lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (58)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

Top 10 Books From My Childhood (Or teen years) That I Would Love To Revisit

1) The Goosebumps Series by R. L. Stine
2) The Arthur Books by Marc Brown
3) Hans Andersen Fairytales
4)Green Eggs and Ham
5) The Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling
6) The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

7) The Girls Book of Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker
8) Detective Napion and the 4 Devilish by Alex Randolph
9) The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward,
10) If You Take A Mouse To The Movies by Laura Joffe Numeroff,

11 comentarios:

Sas on 23 de marzo de 2015, 22:33 dijo...

Goosebumps actually terrified me as a child, I think because I watched the TV show first and that was horrifying, so I was always too scared to pick up the books. And by the time I started to actually *like* horror, I felt too old for these.

I really do feel like I missed out though. :(

My WoW

Alicia on 23 de marzo de 2015, 22:59 dijo...

Goosebumps books were awesome. I wish I would have held on to my copies! Great list.


Chrissi Reads on 24 de marzo de 2015, 0:32 dijo...

I used to love the Goosebumps books! So much! :-) Great list!

Cait on 24 de marzo de 2015, 3:37 dijo...

Oh I love Dr Seuss! I take my 4yrs nephew to the library every week and he ADORES those books. Gah. Tongue twisters. I love them but they're so tiring to read. XD

Here's my TTT!

Paulina on 24 de marzo de 2015, 8:34 dijo...

TheTV show could be scary at times for little kids; I remember this episode that had a vampire in it that scared me so much I slept in my parents bed for a week. Thanks for stoping by!

AJ Sterkel on 24 de marzo de 2015, 9:23 dijo...

I loved the Goosebumps books when I was a kid. Harry Potter made my list, too.

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Paulina on 24 de marzo de 2015, 9:36 dijo...

My mom made me donate most of them but I did get to keep a few. Thank for stopping by!

Paulina on 24 de marzo de 2015, 9:52 dijo...

Thanks for stopping by:)

Paulina on 24 de marzo de 2015, 9:55 dijo...

I'm giving you the Aunt of The Year Award! Keep taking your nephew to the library!

Paulina on 24 de marzo de 2015, 10:26 dijo...

I think Harry is going to make many lists today. Thanks for stopping by:)

Lauren dijo...

You could never go wrong with R.L. Stine!

Check out my TTT.

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