Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.
This week is Top Ten Bookish Things on my Bucket List.
1) Read all the books on my to read list
I know this is completly impossible since there are always going to be new books but how cool would it be to be able to say you've read all the books you wanted.
2) Go on a no budget book buying spree.
I love books but they can be a bit pricey sometimes so a huge dream of mine would be allowed to go to a bookstore and pick everything I wanted,
3) Organize my bookshelves.
There are five shelves in my apartment but only one is organized (even if it only makes sesnse to me); but the others are just a mess.
4) Start writting.
I have so many ideas in my head but none have ever made it to paper.
5) Meet J. K. Rowling
This one explains itself, she is my Queen.
6) Own a house with a library
If said house is located somewhere int the UK my life would be perfect.
8) Go on a bookish road trip
There have been so many amazing places are mentioned in books or are known for inspiring authors that create worlds of their own; I would love to mark a map and visit some of them.
9) Own physical copies of all my books.
I have 773 ebooks ( according to my Calibre library) andI would love to have those ebooks in papaerback or hardcover.
10) Get out of his reading slump I've been stuck in.
I don't know what caused it but I can't seem to find anybooks to read right now.
1) Read all the books on my to read list
I know this is completly impossible since there are always going to be new books but how cool would it be to be able to say you've read all the books you wanted.
2) Go on a no budget book buying spree.
I love books but they can be a bit pricey sometimes so a huge dream of mine would be allowed to go to a bookstore and pick everything I wanted,
3) Organize my bookshelves.
There are five shelves in my apartment but only one is organized (even if it only makes sesnse to me); but the others are just a mess.
4) Start writting.
I have so many ideas in my head but none have ever made it to paper.
5) Meet J. K. Rowling
This one explains itself, she is my Queen.
6) Own a house with a library
If said house is located somewhere int the UK my life would be perfect.
8) Go on a bookish road trip
There have been so many amazing places are mentioned in books or are known for inspiring authors that create worlds of their own; I would love to mark a map and visit some of them.
9) Own physical copies of all my books.
I have 773 ebooks ( according to my Calibre library) andI would love to have those ebooks in papaerback or hardcover.
10) Get out of his reading slump I've been stuck in.
I don't know what caused it but I can't seem to find anybooks to read right now.